Notes by JCProbably


Hi, I'm Jedda. 

Product Technologist by trade, but I hate being defined as such. Photographer and a creative by nature, constantly looking to inspire and be inspired. 

This blog is for my longer form thoughts, notes, and other things that pop into my head. It will probably also include ramblings, scribbles, and whatever else I can think of.

You can find me in other places, but here are some good places to start:

  • My main blog: this is where I post most of my photography, food (+restaurant reviews). It's a little bit more on the formal/curated side, so do with that what you will. 
  • My more personal blog: this one is powered by and is still new. This is more casual and personalized. You could also say this is where all my posts are funneled through... so it should have links to all my posts.
  • Every day Snaps: I don't post here daily but the photos that I do post are typically taken same day. That's all it is. Snaps of my life. I love that this one is powered by Scribbles. 

Say hello sometime using the form below, on, or Mastodon