Notes by JCProbably
May 1st, 2024

Intro to WeblogPoMo 2024


I haven't truly written in years. While I'm (pretty) good with structure in other parts of my life, writing (specifically blogging for some reason) has become somewhat daunting. The thought of having to write for a month stresses me out, but I feel like this is something that I need to do. Writing used to be a significant part of my life, and I actually really do miss it.

I won't box myself to a theme this month. I’ll probably write whatever interests me that day, or about a thought that’s stuck in my head. I have a ton of ideas listed out, but translating them into coherent sentences is another story.

So if you do end up following along, expect a myriad of things from prose to lists, to stories about my life, my work around product management, photography or anything else I can think of. Or maybe, none of the above. I’ll have moments where I’ll ramble on, and others where I’ll probably end up with just a few sentences.

This month will definitely be a challenge. Coming up with something to write about, putting them into consumable words, and pressing that publish button. It takes 21-days to make a habit so hopefully after this month is done, I can push myself to keep on creating. 

Side Note(s):

  • This post is Day 1 of the WeblogPoMo2024 challenge.
  • I feel like I cheated because a lot of you wrote your intro post before the challenge yet I'm using the first day to do it. Oops. There are no rules, right?
  • Many thanks to Annie for hosting this month’s WeblogPoMo. Check out the other participants going through this adventure with me here.

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