Notes by JCProbably
May 4th, 2024

May the What be with Who?


I think I am one of the rare few who is not a Star Wars fan amongst my friends, strangers I meet out on the streets, or... just ever, really. It's not because I dislike the movies or franchise, but I have just never gotten into it. It wasn't until just a few months ago that I even watched ONE of the Star Wars movies, and I can't even remember which one it was. I think I tried to watch it in timeline order vs. the order of when they actually came out. 

All of this to say, that regardless of the above fact, Star Wars has been a huge part of my life, in some weird way. Every time I introduce myself to someone… 

Me: Hi, I’m Jedda. 

Them: Oh cool, Jedda like Jedi Master? 

Me: No. 

Them: So you know how to do the Jedi mind trick? 

Me: No. 

No hate on Star Wars fans, and I think being called a Jedi Master is a compliment (or at least I believe so?), but I think I’d rather just be called by my own name, instead of a Jedi. I guess it’s better than being called a car (Jetta) because I get that a lot too. 

Anyways, happy (May) 4th. May the force be with or without you. That’s OK too.

Side Note(s):

  • This post is Day 4 of the WeblogPoMo2024 challenge.
  • I am still attempting to get into the Star Wars franchise because I’m seeing all these cool shows coming out of Disney+ and I want to have some context.
  • Do any of you Star Wars fans have an order you’d recommend watching the movies (+shows?). Is it really better to watch it in timeline order or the order of when the movies actually came out?

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