Notes by JCProbably
May 3rd, 2024

Seventy eight thousand hours


I have a confession, and one that is probably already public knowledge to those around me: I am absolutely terrible at math. Calculating a tip without a calculator? No, thanks. I have to use a calculator (sometimes I need to do it discretely because I am legitimately embarrassed) or use my fingers to add things up. Why can’t all places have the option to automatically calculate it, you pick which one you'd like to use, and add it to the total? Wouldn’t that make a lot of people’s lives easier? I just don’t get it. 

Despite my aversion to math, I have a weird fascination with numbers, specifically counting days. Whether it’s tracking the time I spent working on something, how long we’ve lived somewhere, or days since we’ve gone grocery shopping, I just can’t help it. I find this odd comfort (depending on the situation, it can also be stress inducing) in marking the passing of time.

So here’s something because today’s an extra special one (for me).

284,083,200 seconds or
4,734,720 minutes or
78,912 hours
3,288 days or
108 months

That’s how long I’ve called my other half my… well, if we’re being honest, my better half. Yes, I actually counted. (Ok fine, it’s more like I have an app that reminds me how many days it’s been and then I do my own calculations — with a calculator, of course). Anyways, this is just me saying that I have appreciated every single second, day, year, and everything in between these numbers. 

It’s funny how something as simple as counting days can bring me so much joy, and comfort. Each day is a reminder to me of my (/our) wins, sometimes losses, and just moments we’ve shared and the memories we’ve made. 

So cheers to counting the seconds and cherishing every moment. For me, every second is worth celebrating, not just today.

Side Note(s):

  • This post is Day 3 of the WeblogPoMo2024 challenge.
  • For those of you who are also not good with numbers, or who don’t have a calculator nearby, the numbers above add up to 9 years.
  • Unintentionally also breaking the stereotype in this post that Asians = good with math, because alas, I am not.
  • Disclaimer: If the numbers above are wrong, I put all of the blame on my app and calculator

Image of a gradient background saying On counting seventy eight thousand hours with a date of 050324 at the bottom

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